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Andrew L Rudd DDS MS PA

Chapel Hill Endodontics
Practice Limited to Conventional and Microsurgical Root Canal Therapy

Leading the Way with Advanced Technology
Endodontist Chapel Hill, NC, Durham NC endodontist rootcanal specialist laser
Endodonttst Chapel Hiill, NC Durham NC laser

 Laser Assisted Irrigation (SWEEPS), offers improved fluid dynamics allowing supperior root canal cleaning. It represents a major advancement that help us achieve our goal to effectively cleaning a tooth’s entire root canal system, no matter how complex.  We are always evaluating technological advancements and incorporating them into our practice when we believe that doing so will help us provide a higher level of care than previously possible and help us save more teeth for more of our patients.

 Laser Assisted Irrigation (SWEEPS) creates Shockwaves through Photo Acoustic Streaming.   The incredible effectiveness of this approach allows us to conserve more tooth structure than ever before. 

In addition to using Lasers to dramatically enhance disinfection, we use them to improve tissue repair,  reduce pain and inflammation through Photobiomodulation (PBM).

We are very proud to be able to offer this level of care to our patients..

Andrew L Rudd DDS, MS

Dr. Rudd graduated Cum Laude from Tulane University receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering.  He then attended the University of North Carolina School Of Dentistry where he received a Dental Degree with Honors.   While attending dental school, the faculty nominated Dr. Rudd from among the senior dental students to receive the Student Achievement Award in Endodontics.   As a dental student, Dr. Rudd was awarded a research grant from the UNC Dental Research Center.   While in the second year of dental school, Dr. Rudd had the opportunity to present research at an American Association of Dental Research Conference.  In his final year of dental school, he was awarded a travel grant to present research findings at the International Association of Dental Research Conference in France.    Dr. Rudd's research findings are published in both clinical and scientific journals.

After completing general dental training in 1998, Dr. Rudd received three years of advanced residency training at the University of North Carolina, earning a Certificate and Masters Degree in Endodontics.   During his residency he was presented an honorary award in recognition of a research thesis at the  National Annual Endodontic Conference.

Dr. Rudd entered private practice in Endodontics in 2001.   He serves as an adjunct assistant professor with the UNC School of Dentistry Department of Endodontics.    Dr. Rudd enjoys teaching dental students, endodontic residents and keeping up with the latest in dental research and development.

Dr. Rudd is actively involved in organized dentistry.  He was elected to serve as President of the Durham Orange County Dental Society in 2005.  Dr. Rudd is a Member of  the American Dental Association, the American Association of Endodontists,  the North Carolina Dental Society,  the Tar Heel Endodontic Society,  and the Durham Orange County Dental Society. Additionally, he participates in various local dental study clubs.

Patient Testimonials

I would like to thank Dr. Rudd and his staff at Endodontics for the fine job that was done on my root canal this past week.  I had worried that a root canal procedure would be painful, but I did not find that to be so at all.  I did take the recommended dose of Ibuprofen for 3 days and I gargled with salt water for 3 days, but I never felt even the slightest pain afterward.   Before I was diagnosed as having a root canal problem, both hot and cold liquids and an aching jaw bone caused extreme discomfort.  Dr. Rudd has a very reassuring manner and treated my situation with great concern and respect.  It is wonderful to feel really good again and I know I owe my well-being to the totally successful root-canal work.

Kimbell King Professor Emeritus UNC-CH

For many years I have been involved in the dental community, whether as an office manager or as the wife of an oral surgeon.  During this time, I've focused on the needs ofthe patients and never really considered my own treatment.  When confronted with some personal dental concerns, my first reaction was mixed with panic and anxiety.  Fortunately, I was direct to the office of Dr. Rudd worked with his staff to make me comfortable.  As soon as she heard I was in pain, Kim, the front desk manager, went out of her way to call me and schedule an appointment for that same day.  While meeting with Dr. Rudd, he calmly assuaged my fears by describing the procedure and respectfully listening to my concerns.

Not only does Dr. Rudd offer a friendly, soothing environment, but he also performs excellent work.  I am completely satisfied with his treatment and am very thankful for the kindness of his staff.  Having now seen both sides of the dental provider/patient relationship, I can only hope that my husband's office is run with the same courtesy and professionalism that I experienced wtih Dr. Rudd and his staff.  I will continue to whole-heartedly recommend Dr. Rudd to anyone who is in need of an endodontist.

Laura Reebye

I want to thank you for the excellent professional care that yoiu provided to me a my time of need.  I was in a great deal of pain and was apprehensive whin I arrived at your office.  Upon arrival I was greeted by a very friendly and welcoming receptionist.  She was comforting and reassuring as well.

Dr. Rudd was extremely gentle during the procedure and explained everything he was doing step by step.  Not only, did he relieve my pain, but also made my root canal experience a pleasant one.  I would highly recommend him to anyone in need of this type of treatment.

Alice Wagner

From the moment I walked into Dr. Rudd's office I was greeted by his professional and kind staff as well as an impeccably clean office.  My appointment started on time and the procedure took exactly as long as I was told it would.  Dr. Rudd was gentle, congenial and made what I thought would be a stressful and painful experience very easy.  My recovery was great but I knew that if I had any problems or concerns that Dr. Rudd would be available.

Rachel Ruvo

I had my first root canal today and was very apprehensive. The staff eased my anxiety and Dr Rudd did a great job of keeping me pain free. I would highly recommend him to anyone needing endodontal care.

Karen Ferrier

As a dental professional myself, I can not rave enough about Dr. Rudd and his wonderful team. I have to admit, as most would agree, that having a root canal is not necessarily my favorite thing. With that being said, my procedure was completely pain free and flawless. I was provided with after hours information if I had any problems over the weekend, but of course did not need it. With his kind bedside manner, and pain free treatment, I would recommend him and his team to anyone in need of these services. Thank you Dr.Rudd, Kim & John for the exceptional service.

T. Kennedy

I was referred to Dr. Rudd for a second opinion. He performed a thorough examination. Most importantly, he was extraordinarily generous with his time, was attentive and sympathetic to all of my concerns, and provided me with a clear understanding of my problem and how best to resolve it. Overall, Dr. Rudd is at the top of my list for future dental care. I am delighted to recommend him without reservation.

Julian K----, M.D.

I was referred to Dr. Rudd for a possible root canal. At my consultation he was very attentive and explained all my options. All during procedure I was very well taken care of and was completely comfortable. His staff was also very kind, attentive and professional. Dr. Rudd and his staff have my complete recommendation.

Melissa Dwoskin, RN

Proudly serving Chapel Hill, Durham, Hillsborough, Carrboro, Pittsboro and surrounding Triangle Communities since 2003.